The dictionary aid for Latin texts uses the incredible program Whitaker's WORDS as its backend.
Whitaker's WORDS, developed by the late William Whitaker as a hobby project, has very complex
logic for looking up and defining Latin words. If you are interested, I encourage you to read
Whitaker's very thorough documentation, which is archived by Notre Dame University
here. My debt to Whitaker is immense; this site
would not exist if it were not for his work. Requiesce in pace.
The dictionary pane (right) provides all possible dictionary definitions for a given word, as
determined by Whitaker's WORDS. Each possible dictionary entry contains three elements:
- Expansion - the grammatical expansion as found in a standard dictionary
- Translation - all possible translations provided by this entry
- Variants - all possible grammatical variants of the given word (declensions for nouns,
tenses for verbs, etc.)
If there are any innacuraies, please do not hesitate to let me know. However, if the inaccuracy
is from Whitaker's program, then there may be very little for me to do. Regardless, I would be
happy to investigate. Additionally, please let me know if you find the presentation of the
dictionary information confusing or unintuitive.
Currently, the list of Latin works on this site is limited. However, if you have any suggestions
for texts to add, please let me know. This site was designed to make adding new texts as easy as
possible. You can find my contact information on the home page."