Splendor Veritatis

About This Site

This site was generated using Nanoc, a ruby-based static site generator. It’s hosted for almost no cost by NearlyFreeSpeech, and the site design is entirely my own.

If you have any suggestions, comments, questions, or concerns about this site, please contact me using the contact information listed below.

About Me

I graduated with a BS in Computer Science in May 2019, and currently work as a software engineer for MathWorks (the makers of MATLAB and Simulink), where I specialize in compiler development. However, my interests vary widely, so when I feel like writing something, I do.


For now, the best way to contact me is through the email address webmaster[dot]splendorveritatis[at]gmail[dot]com.

What Am I Currently Reading?

For a list of books that I’ve read and enjoyed, please see my reading list.